Practical Tools for Simple Design
No Matches
CLion Quick Start

The reader is encouraged to read the official guide.

Install CLion

  • Read this if you have trouble installing it or for some random knowledge.

Clone the project from remote

  1. Press the Get from VCS button at the top-right of project menu. project menu
  2. Clone the repo.
    • Paste the url of the repo and click clone.VCS_menu.png
    • Alternately, the user may log in their GitHub or GitLab account to list all their repos.GH_list.png
  3. Post-clone configs CMake_config.png A few adjustments are recommend:
    • On the top of the window, The user may want to enable Reload CMake project on editing CMakeLists.txt or other Cmake configuration files for the convenience of automatically reloading after adding or removing source files." * The user may want to add more cmake profiles(One may do so by pressing the <tt>+</tt> button or with hot key <tt>Alt Insert</tt>) for different toolchains or build types. 4. Build, run, and debug the project\ After opening the project, CLion loads CMakeLists.txt(<tt>cmake -B cmake-build-debug</tt> or paths set). * <img src="./build.png" alt="build.png"/>: Build(<tt>cmake --build \$CMAKE_BUILD_PATH</tt>, hot key:<tt>Ctrl F9</tt> by default) * <img src="./run.png" alt="run.png"/>: Build and Run(hot key: <tt>Shift F10</tt>) * <img src="./debug.png" alt="debug.png"/>: Build and Debug(hot key: `Shift F9)