Practical Tools for Simple Design
The reader is encouraged to read the official guide.
Get from VCS
button at the top-right of project menu. clone
.Reload CMake project on editing CMakeLists.txt or other Cmake configuration files
for the convenience of automatically reloading after adding or removing source files."
* The user may want to add more cmake profiles(One may do so by pressing the <tt>+</tt> button or with hot
key <tt>Alt Insert</tt>) for different toolchains or build types.
4. Build, run, and debug the project\
After opening the project, CLion loads CMakeLists.txt(<tt>cmake -B cmake-build-debug</tt> or paths set).
* <img src="./build.png" alt="build.png"/>: Build(<tt>cmake --build \$CMAKE_BUILD_PATH</tt>, hot key:<tt>Ctrl F9</tt> by default)
* <img src="./run.png" alt="run.png"/>: Build and Run(hot key: <tt>Shift F10</tt>)
* <img src="./debug.png" alt="debug.png"/>: Build and Debug(hot key: `Shift F9)